Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Winning Raffle

Recently, Cro posted about winning a prize at his local grocery store.  This reminded me of the only time I remember winning anything.

I would have been 8 or 9 years old and the village fete was held that year in the recreation ground.  Time came to draw the raffle and I was asked to draw it.  I said I couldn't as I had a ticket and can still remember the laughter at that.  Anyway, I put my hand into the basket of tickets and drew out my own.

I only remember two of the prizes, a lovely basket of fruit which I imagined was the first prize.  No, the first prize was a tea service.  My mother thought this was great - I wonder where it ended up.

This memory is still with me as though it was yesterday.


  1. That was great Sue :0) I won a Christmas pudding once.

  2. Yah, where DID that tea service go? Nice to be able to remember some of those things, isn't it?

  3. I once won a turkey at a raffle. It king of tells the story of my life.

  4. I don't remember that, but I was probably too young (ahem). Asked to pick the winning ticket? You must have been a 'celeb'!

  5. Cro, I think it was more that our parents were known in the village than anything else. I wish my Bonus bonds would come lucky and I could do something about the car that keeps needing expensive repairs done to it. Never mind , I think the tea service was it.
