Each bundle is supposed to have 9 seedlings in it but today I planted the two bundles of mixed Brocolli, Italian Brocolli and Brocoflower and there were 24 plants. I also planted a bundle of kale and a couple of bundles of pansies in pots.

While I did this Doug got some more beds ready for planting. I had already cleared some of the tomato plants, dug the last of the carrots and beetroot and picked any beans to dry for seed.
We have been having intermittent rain showers so it is the ideal time to be doing the planting. We still have leeks, pac choi, silver beet (chard) and coloured beet as well as spinach to plant and more carrots to sow.
We also have to clear away the cosmos in the front garden and we have dwarf cineraria, stock and two varieties of lavender to plant there.
It will all be a bit bare for a while but should not take too long. We planted a couple of pots of pansy seedlings a fortnight ago and already have flowers on them.