Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Birthday.

I have had a wonderful birthday today.  I can't believe how many cards and messages I have received.

My stepson is up here for a couple of days with a friend's ten year old daughter (as she is busy at work).

We started by walking Sophie, then back to Doug's for morning tea and some board games then
down to the Town Basin for a delicious lunch.  Back home to pick up some fishing rods and we headed down to the river for some fishing where a fish was caught.  We then stopped fishing so that a boy and his mother could operate a remote controlled boat which travelled at 55 kms per hour.

Been out virtually all day and just returned at 5.30.  I will now make a quick frittata for our tea and I know there will be some more phone calls.

Oh, and I got a special tattoo for my 71st birthday and a lovely watch from Doug.  I am spoilt!!!!


  1. Sounds like a full day. Nice looking fish; not so sure about the tattoo (temporary, I presume).

  2. Happy birthday, Susan. And unlike a certain bearded person sporting a beret, I LOVE the tattoo!

  3. Belated birthday greetings Susan - it was my eldest son's birthday on the same day.

  4. Many Happy Returns of the Day to you.

  5. Happy Birthday - sounds like a lovely day. Very special tattoo xxx

  6. It sounds like you had a great birthday. I wish you many more.

    Don't listen to Cro, the tat is beautiful, permanent or temporary may it be. Life should be lived in ways that make us happy.

  7. Happy Birthday Susan..sounds like a nice day was had!

  8. Happy Birthday Sue. So glad you've had a lovely day xxxx

  9. Belated Birthday Wishes Susan, - it's great to hear you had a lovely day!
