Saturday, February 24, 2018

Blogs I follow

I Have just tried to add a blog to the list of blogs I follow and there was a problem.  The facility was not there to remove it so I highlighted it and then pressed "remove" at the bottom and have lost the list of all blogs I follow.

I have reinstated one that I was looking at at the time but will have to add the others as I come across them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  BOTHER.


  1. Usually it's more difficult to add things than to delete; you must be a genius!

  2. what a bother, hope you can sort it all out.

  3. Blogger can be a bit of a pain in the neck. May it all be reinstated soon enough!

  4. So easy,one click in the wrong place....the last time other bloggers were losing access to their lists I downloaded my list....

  5. Often when we learn to do these things at the start it then takes sometime later trying to remember just how blogger works. I don't think that I could do half of the things that I did originally as I am sure I have forgotten most of it without doing some research.

  6. I have an absolutely horrible time changing anything on blogger. I frequently get so frustrated that I shut down and return to the garden.

  7. I don't know whether you follow me or not but here I am!!!

  8. I try not to fool around with Blogger as I know anything can happen - and usually does.

  9. Oh No! Hope you are able to remake your list. I stumbled upon your blog and found your list just wonderful!!!

  10. Thank you everyone - I now have some blogs on my list. I know what I did but did not expect the result I got.

  11. How annoying - it's times like this when your realise computers have taken over the world !
