Friday, May 11, 2018


Doug has now painted Sophie's gate at the front door.  Very useful in keeping her in when deliveries are made.  He has also painted the two lighthouses he made.  He stopped today to get the lawns mowed before the rain came and also went to the Osteopath as he has hurt his neck somewhere along the line doing the painting.  The rain did come - not sure if it is still raining as it is dark now but it is forecast to continue for the weekend with a heavy rain warning for tomorrow.

Before and after with the dog gate repainted.

and the repainted lighthouses that Doug made.


There is still the gate to paint when the weather clears as long as his neck improves.


  1. It is all looking wonderful, and a lot of work and morning teas behind that for sure.

    1. A lot of work but not a lot of morning teas as we don't usually stop but a lot of behind the scenes work cooking meals, working on the garden etc.

  2. The lighthouses are really fun!

  3. I'm not surprised he hurt his neck but it all looks good.
