Friday, February 7, 2025


It was March last year when someone set fire to the Cypress tree in the park behind us.  

We ended up with about half a dozen large logs that have been drying.  A couple of days ago Doug got out the log splitter and set about splitting them.  They were full of knots and he ended up using a chainsaw for some of them but persevered and got them all split.  

Yesterday morning we moved all the split wood to the firewood shed.  It has been hot all week (27 degrees) so in the afternoon we went to A.H. Reed Park for a walk in the bush.

It was lovely and cool in the bush, just what we needed.


  1. Under shady trees, just right, it's been hot down here too, but already mornings are darker earlier.Firewood, it seems crazy we have to think about that so early, I am ready to order our first load.

  2. That looks like a beautiful walk. Did they discover who set fire to the tree?
