Friday, July 29, 2011

More Respite

I think I must have overdone it yesterday getting the jobs done ready for M's return tomorrow.  Anyway, I visited him this morning and we were sitting in his room when the Manager came down and told us that the room was now available indefinitely.  It was agreed that M. would stay for a further week.

Mixed feelings - I know I still need more rest and this was proved when I fell asleep for a couple of hours after lunch.  However, M. was looking forward to coming home tomorrow.  I am also worried about how I am going to manage with broken nights once he gets home.

Anyway, I shopped yesterday for two people so that should help me put some weight back on.  I have been doing well eating lots of cheese, olives, chocolate, nuts, bread and butter pudding  as per the instructions of the dietician (all things I love).

So, I will get more rest over the next week and, if the sun shines, catch up on some jobs in the garden all in readiness for his return a week today.


  1. Yes, it is always difficult when you feel guilty about another but need some rest for yourself. Take care.

  2. I agree with Arleen - another week will help to build your strength up a bit more. Hope you have some sunshine too.

  3. Molly - it looks promising for sunshine - I hope I can post this comment tried with SOACM and was unable to. I will have M. home for lunch tomorrow to give him a break. Hope all is well with you.

  4. Arleen - i see my comment didn't appear on your blog either - don't know what is happening here. Anyway enjoyed your post on the wine country. I also find I am not able to tolerate much wine these days. Still like to use it in cooking with the occasional small glass with a meal.
