Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It is hard to believe that it is a week today since I took M. in to the Rest Home to give myself a break.  I have had a lot of sleep in that time and am beginning to feel more rested.

Today has been one of those beautiful winter's days with the sun shining although the wind was cold.  I decided to walk the 2 kms to the Rest Home.  Unfortunately, M. had another fall over night.  It is only 3 days until he is due home and I worry about how I will be able to cope if he keeps falling.  Still, at least I am rested now.

After lunch and a brief rest I attacked some plants in the garden that needed a prune, filled the Wheelie Bin ready for Tuesday and picked some flowers - it almost seems like spring but I know that is a long way off.

Now, I will make some pea and ham soup and a bread and butter pudding, good winter fare.


  1. The life of a care-taker is lonely and hard. I have been there and it is so difficult on the body and soul. Bless you and give you strength.

    BTW, I have your cat's sisters. Thelma and Louise (my cats) are the spitting image of yours. Mine are sweet but dumb, how is yours?

  2. Pea and ham soup, Yes! Bread and butter pudding, Yuk!

  3. Nothing like a bit of sunshine to lighten the load! Sue your flowers are lovely!

  4. SO,AC - M - Kath makes out she is very fierce and has a habbit of hissing if upset but she is very gentle generally. Not really dumb though - just believes she should be top cat over little Kim.

    Another sunny day so will meet a friend for coffee and do a grocery shop

    Cro - try the bread and butter pudding again - you may be surprised. I don't think I liked it when younger.

    Molly, yes - sun makes all the difference.
