Up to date photo taken this morning.
I am 70 years young to-day and find it hard to believe. That was one of the reasons for the walk over Mt. Aubrey posted yesterday.
For years when I was still caring for Max I was unable to have a decent walk so really appreciate the walks that Doug and I go on.
In spite of the odd ache I am still fit and aim to keep that way.
One of the reasons for lack of time and energy to blog is that at the beginning of August I started on the Lumosity Brain Training games. I had always been too tired when caring for Max to attempt a Crossword or Code Cracker but had started doing them and felt the brain training may help.
It is amazing - now I must admit how low my "Brain Performance Index" was as in August it was 296 but has now risen to 1141 and I have noticed a huge difference when doing Code Cracker. Yesterday, I had got nearly to the top of my age group but today move into a new age group.
I have decided that 70 is the new middle age.
Main present was a fishing rod!!!!