Tuesday, May 13, 2014

New oven and microwave.

The oven and microwave were not in the best state when I purchased nearly five years ago.  I expect I would still be putting it off if Doug hadn't volunteered to do the necessary carpentry work for me.  I had put the whole idea in the "too hard basket".

Anyway way back in February (can it really be that long ago) I purchased a new oven and microwave - apart from Doug's offer there was the fact that I saw a Bosch oven advertised for a little more than half price.  When I went to purchase it the sales lady suggested a Panasonic microwave that almost matches the oven.

The week before last I helped Doug remove the old ovens.  We were not able to separate them for removal but were able to bring in a trolley and put the whole caboodle on that and wheel it outside.

Of course, the new oven and microwave are different sizes to the previous ones so Doug has methodically been getting the area ready.  Finally, last night, the electrician connected the new oven for me.  No cooking as yet but I am looking forward to it.

The old ovens

Was surprised to find this old wallpaper in behind the ovens.

The start of the process with a new lining on the back.

The timber moulding and shelves  in place

Then the back panel was painted and the moulding and shelves given coats of polyurethane.

Ta raaa - the finished product

and with the little drawer made at the base for cookbooks opened.


  1. Looks good. Our brand new cooker (Brandt) decided to go bonkers just FOUR DAYS AFTER THE GUARANTEE EXPIRED. It still works, but has a computerised mind of its own.

  2. Lovely, before I scrolled down I thought the first photo was the new ones. Love that recipe book tray. Cheers, Jean

    1. Yes, the little try for the books is great and, of course, filled in the extra space left.

  3. Wow! The oven is gorgeous, top of the line. I would have loved a Bosch but ended up with a Westinghouse. Which is fine and does the job. But Bosch...oh well.

    Love the little drawer. Doug is a treasure!

  4. I am really looking forward to using it. Wouldn't have bought it if it hadn't been on such a good special (presume it was "an end of line")

  5. It is nice to have a man around to do the heavy lifting. It all looks very nice.

  6. Very neat. I bet you are looking forward to using both ovens. Well done, Doug.
    Love from Mum

    1. Yes I am - if you read this I enjoy your blog and every so often go to comment but get annoyed when I can't decipher the word verification - so don't comment.

    2. Susan, excuse me butting in, but if I can't read the word verification on your blog, I just click the small circular icon next to the text box and the word verification changes to numbers which are much easier to read.

    3. I didn't know I had word verification!!!!!!

    4. I'll just test that, as blog owners never see word verification when the comment on their own blogs.

    5. Yes, you stopped it, Susan. :-)

  7. I agree with Arleen and it does all look very nice.

  8. What a lovely bit of workmanship, Susan. You're very fortunate to have Doug to help out. :-)

    1. He has made a wonderful job - I am thrilled with it.

  9. It looks great Susan, happy cooking!!!

  10. I keep being amazed at Doug - I thought that he was a gem, but he is a top gem - a diamond.

    1. I must have done something right to deserve Doug at this stage of my life.

  11. Awesome Job Doug, please come to the Bruce Peninsula I could keep you busy for a Month of Sundays ! Thanks for sharing Sue, LOVE your new oven & mircowave. x
