Kath and Kim came into our lives in 2005. Kath had been found abandoned and was feeding kittens. She was in a bad way and we had her on antibiotics for some months before she was able to have her "flu shot". Our previous cat had died and it was the first time we actually went out and chose a cat (or cats in this case). Previously cats had always just turned up even though we were out in the country
We thought that getting two they would be company for each other. We got them from the SPCA in Kaitaia and Max chose Kath.
We had never had a calico cat before and were to discover how feisty they can be.
When Max went into care they were great company especially in the long evenings.
She had her last annual check up in May and appeared fine. Lately she has been losing weight and I have been trying all sorts of different foods to get her to eat. She would eat chicken one day and then go off it, the same with beef, tuna etc. This weekend she went downhill rapidly and last night was really bad - just lying listlessly. It was only Friday or Saturday morning when I called "walkies" and both cats came running.
This morning I took her to the vet who kept her to do some tests and phoned me back with the diagnosis of diabetes with complications because she had got so low. I could have taken her down to a specialist in Auckland and then given her injections for the rest of her life. I know she would have hated this and she was so low that the only real option was euthanasia. I doubt whether she would have survived another night. She was gone after only a very small part of the dose of anaesthetic..
Doug has dug a hole and we buried her with a pohutakawa tree planted next to her in a lovely spot at the bottom of my garden where she used to love to go hunting.