Tuesday, May 24, 2022


 On Monday the Parkinson walking group walked around the Town Basin Loop (4.2 kms. the longest walk we have done for a long time).  We were particularly pleased to see the Rolling Ball Clock that was installed at the beginning of last month.  I tried to get some photos but there was a lot of reflection on the glass.  Below is from the website.

The only photo I managed was of the pedalling man.  He appears to lift some of the balls up although in the time we were there  he wasn't  working.

If you are interested go here https://rollingballclock.co.nz   and there is a live stream of the clock and a lot of information.  The clock runs from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. New Zealand time.

Above is a view of the golden dome of the Hundertwasser building from near the Rolling Ball Clock.


  1. It all looks very "Heath Robinson" to me. I often wonder how people come up with such kooky ideas and then somehow attract enough funding to convert their ideas to reality - but I'm glad they do.

    1. The original they worked on prior to this model was definitely "Heath Robinson" but I look on this as more a work of art. We will be going for a longer look.

  2. Ooh, lovely!! Thanks for the photos and link..

  3. I didn't even know it was there, it and the hundertwasser art museum seem to be new additions to Whangarei

    1. It was only unveiled at the beginning of last month.
      There are also new fountains near the Hundertwasser.

  4. That clock reminds me of the dad/inventor in the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang :)

  5. I love to see interesting clocks where people have used their imagination to do something interesting and different. We have one in Cheltenham which on the hour has a mouse running around it and a large fish turns below the clock and blows out bubbles that the children below love to try and catch.

    1. This one is fascinating with all the balls for seconds, minutes and hours. I always remember a clock at Abinger Hammer which has a blacksmith striking the hour. There were large watercress beds there as well.

  6. I've read about the clock online, I didn't actually see the art gallery before we left but I hope both are increasing Whangarei tourism as they hoped.
