Saturday, August 17, 2024


I arrived in the country at the beginning of August (1965) and it rained and rained.  I wondered what I had come to.  This August we have had a lot of rain as well, in fact this is our second wet weekend in a row.  I particularly notice wet weekends now that we have free power (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) at weekends and I endeavour to do my washing and bulk bake, roast and/or make a casserole.  

With a wet weekend forecast I did a couple of loads of washing yesterday and was pleased to get it dry quite quickly.  This morning was going to be baking bread, slow roasting another corned silverside and making some lemon curd.  We had a visit from Doug's eldest daughter so sat and chatted and I have just got some of the jobs done so the rest are for tomorrow.

Actually, the rain was not as heavy as expected, more like showers, it is perfect for the broccoli Romanesco seedlings that I planted out yesterday.  A bit late but I only recently came across a website with the seeds.

While finding space for the seedlings I noticed this little fellow on one of my cabbages, not sure what type of spider he is but he seems very happy in my cabbage.

A few days ago I decided to search the garden for some winter flowers for my vase. This is what I found.  A couple of orchid sprays, some small alstroemeria, colourful yarrow and I don't know the name of the greenery with the small pink flower but I was pleased with the result.


  1. I would be 'tickled pink' if I had done that arrangement, it is lovely. Very impressed that you have so much colour in your winter garden. Less said about the spider, the better.

    1. The flowers are really just stuck in the vase but I am pleased with the result. A bit more colour in the garden. I am hoping the spider will eat any nasties.

  2. Pretty flowers. The spider may be a type of huntsman spider - we used to get something similar when we lived in Huntly.

    1. I did wonder about Hunstman but colour looked wrong with the photos I found.

  3. I hope the rain is good for the garden. You have some lovely flowers and produce there

    1. I was surprised how dry the garden was in spite of the rain so it will be good.

  4. Its rainy here too!!
    That is a beautiful arrangement...and a nice looking vase ..xx

    1. The vase was made by the brother of a good friend here in Whangarei. When she was moving into a Rest Home she asked me to choose something from her China Cabinet and I had always admired the vase. Unfortunately, she died a few years ago and I don't know her maiden name or his name and haven't been able to find his mark. Must try again.

    2. Try the NZ potters' page on fb

    3. I had tried many years ago and have just had another look and posted photos on New Zealand Studio Pottery Identification so fingers crossed. Thank you.

  5. That's almost 60 years now that you have lived in NZ - have you ever been back to the UK for a visit during that time?
    The winter garden flowers makes a delightful display.

    1. Rosemary, I went back many times while my parents were still alive but have not been back since 1987.

  6. What a lovely selection of flowers.
    I'm fascinated to know what brought you to New Zealand, perhaps work or the wish to avoid our miserable winters and the smog-bound cities of the '60's.

    1. I was 21 and an acquaintance was coming over here. On the spur of the moment I decided to come (on my own). Didn't really think of any consequences.

  7. We've had a tiny bit of rain recently; very welcome after the relentless heat of the past weeks.

  8. We have had the same here with more rain than we usually have but things are starting to bloom.

    1. Yes, I see we have another wet weekend in the forecast.
