Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A.H.Reed Park

 Yesterday, we were lucky with the weather once again and did the walk through A.H. Reed Park. 

Part of the track that used to be unformed had been worked on with steps made making it much easier.

All in all a very pleasant walk.  In the afternoon we had the promised rain and today, with snow in the South Island and Lower North Island the temperatures have dropped with more rain.  It was needed for the gardens.


  1. That looks an enjoyable walk, and those steps will not rot like wooden edges.
    You are getting some much needed rain...we are getting some much needed sunshine!!

    1. Good that uou had some sun. This afternoon rain, thunderstorm and hail.

    2. I've seen some videos...and I heard that the ferry from Wellington was cancelled yesterday...very sensible with that wind and the seas

    3. The wind was very strong. Doug's youngest daughter just called in and said she was filling her vehicle when the wind got up and had to hold on to something to stop getting blown over.

  2. A very enjoyable walk, I can see from your photos. A lovely place to eander

  3. Very wet and cold down here, a mad dash, well as fast and mad as we can be at our age, into the supermarket, then home to light the fire, again.That walk looks so inviting with trees for shelter if needed.

    1. Lovely walk. Today much like yours. Rain, hail and thunderstorms. Fire going.

  4. What a beautiful place! There was a time when I used to sneer at such well-engineered paths, but as I get older I see their advantages more and more.

    1. The new path with the steps is a great improvement as the path just goes straight through the bush and there were a lot of roots to negotiate - not the best for people with Parkinson's Disease to negotiate or, as you say, older people.

  5. Great to see the path is receiving regular maintenance/improvement so that more people can enjoy this beautiful place.

    1. All the tracks are well maintained although a few are still closed with storm damage.
