Wednesday, March 21, 2018


This morning Doug did some more work on the verandah while I did a couple of loads of washing and made a frittata as well as doing some tidying up of emails - isn't it amazing how quickly they can build up.

Doug managed to get the sheet of fibrolite up and fixed in time for us to go down to the Town Basin to see the Sculptures in this year's competition.  We timed it just right as "down tools" was at 1 p.m. just as we finished walking around.

see here 

Here are some of this year's sculptures.

It was not easy to photograph them as the area was roped off.  They were very diverse both in materials and theme.  Our favourite was the kiwi in a hand.carved by the lady who made the eel that Doug received for Christmas.

The judging and auction is tomorrow from 5.30 p.m.

President Obama is in the area today playing golf at a nearby golf course ranked one of the best 50 in the world then staying at a nearby hotel.