Friday, July 9, 2021


Bobby seems happy enough but is now on the last of the antibiotics Doug got from the Vets.  He was given two lots and told that was all he could have.  He gave him one lot and Bobby seemed better but the coughing and sneezing came back so he is on the last lot now.  Luckily, he takes both the antibiotic paste and his thyroid pill well with food.

Blue, actually "belongs" to neighbours a couple of houses away.  Doug started feeding him several years ago as he would catch and eat the doves and other birds that he feeds and it did help.  At that stage we thought he was a stray but we later discovered who his "owners" are.  The other day, in the pouring rain, there was a knock at the door and Blue's "father" was there asking if Blue was with us.  We were the third house he had tried.  I knew Blue was here as I had just seen him in his favourite basket on the back porch.  He used to sleep on the two seat cane chair but then decided he preferred the table so I put an old curtain on the table and we remove it when we eat there.  Later I added the basket as Bobby was not interested in it preferring to stretch out on the floor.  

Blue is a fighter and he was being taken to the vet as he had come off second best in a fight.  It is good to know that they do look after him.  Doug had been to see them a few weeks ago to check that he had flea treatment as we have found him in the lounge on cold mornings.

I went back to the G.P. this week and, it seems I had pneumonia but it is now clear.  The main reason she wanted to see me was that it appears I now need to start taking diabetic medication.  I was hoping to stay on diet alone but suppose I have done quite well as it is 21 years since my diagnosis.  She wanted me to take two tablets a day but, as there are possible side effects, I have opted to take just one tablet a day for three months and then have another blood test before deciding what to do.

We also had our flu vaccinations so, hopefully, will be able to get our Pfizer Covid ones in the not too distant future.


  1. The cats and their troubles, then us and ours. I hope the one tablet is ample to control your diabetes Sue, and so many thanks for your wonderful voice on the phone. We blog friends might not meet in person, but true friendship spans the phone lines and oceans. Bobby, you just stay warm and well.

    1. It was great to catch up with you today. I hope you both continue to improve.

  2. We always seem to have visiting Cats in Brighton. They come and spend the day, then go home again. We never fed them. They simply had two (or maybe more) homes. I take two Metformin tabs each day; I'd rather like to stop.

    1. I wonder whether you started with one or two tablets a day.

    2. One, then my Doc' thought two would be better!

  3. Isn't Bobby a good puss for taking his medication so well, takes a bit of the stress away. I hope your new medicine goes down well and you don't get any negative contraindications. Best, Jean. x

    1. Thank you. All seems good with my new meds. Yes, Bobby is great taking his meds.

  4. Love that long cat stretch...feels good to look at it

  5. You've obviously got a friendly aura to attract the cats. Blue looks very much at home. Best of health to them and to you

  6. oh no poor Bobby, I hope he is better asap. We've had our Miss Bunny at the vets with manx constipation issues. Have you had your 1st vaccine yet? I'm booked in for my 2nd in a month's time.

    1. I hope Miss Bunny gets better but I suppose if it is a Manx problem it will be ongoing. We only had our flu vaccine last week so are hoping to get the Covid ones shortly. (Must wait 2 weeks.)
