Sunday, October 3, 2021


First of all a cartoon from our local paper a couple of days ago.

I want to try and do more exercise to, hopefully, keep my blood sugar (and other) levels under control and decided to buy a rowing machine.  Because of Covid and transport problems a lot of the machines are not currently available.  I knew that Doug's grand daughter and her husband had one in their home gym and messaged her to find out where they bought it.  I got a reply that, as they use a commercial gym in town they do not use the rower and we were welcome to have it either until we no longer need/use it or they need it.  Yesterday, Doug's daughter brought it here in her Rural Delivery van and we set it up in the sunroom off the lounge.  It is a good fit in the narrow room and is nice and handy to use.  It is also much bigger and sturdier than the model I was looking at.  I am hoping that when I have my next lot of blood tests at the beginning of December things are good without the meds.


  1. That, and plenty of long walks, and you should be fine.

  2. That cartoon tells it all. I hope some people get that it's not a joke.
    Good luck with the rowing machine.

    1. I expect you heard about "Bishop Tamaki's" protest rally.

  3. I've seen a few people like that! Have fun with that rowing machine.

    1. Unfortunately, you find them everywhere. The rowing machine is getting plenty of use by both of us.

  4. That cartoon is unfortunately typical.
    Have you thought of turning the rower so that you face a window?

    1. Long narrow room. To start with I put it the other way around so there was some view but it dominated the room like that and was in the way.

    2. Ah well, it's the best way you can do it...and you have pictures to look at!

  5. Doug's daughter is very good to you both - hope your blood tests continue to be good, but you both will have stronger muscles in your arms and legs.

    1. Yes, C. is very good. We don't ask her to do things for us as she works long hours (3 Rural Delivery postal runs 5 days a week just 1 on Saturday) starting at 4 a.m. and often for 12 hours.
      Yes, muscles should be pretty good.

  6. I use to love using rowing machines at the gym, good exericse too. We do the same as you, I've been getting back into walking again and feel better for it.

    1. Walking has always been my favourite activity but I have enjoyed rowing at the gym before Covid.

  7. Love the cartoon - but unfortunately too true.
    Have fun with your exercising!
