Sunday, August 21, 2022


New Zealand has just been hit by a severe weather event which came down from the tropics and dumped large amounts of rain.  The worst hit was Nelson which does not usually flood.  They had more than a metre of rain in four days and it is expected to take years rather than months to fix the damage.  Roads were completely washed away and hillsides slipped down.

As well as urban roads being washed away many State Highways have met the same fate.

There has been flooding in the north and Kaitaia, where Max and I were based for about 40 years was completely cut off from the rest of New Zealand.  Here we were lucky although it feels as though we have had rain for weeks.  Yesterday afternoon we finally saw the sun and today is a beautiful day and I have three loads of washing on the line.

It is amazing how it affects ones energy.  On Friday I didn't have the energy to bake but yesterday managed a loaf for Doug, a g.f. loaf for me and a chocolate cake.

The chocolate cake recipe came from my step-daughter and consists of honey eggs, almond meal, cocoa, vanilla extract, salt and baking soda so is relatively healthy.  The recipe said to use a round tin but I used a square one as it is easier to line. In between making the bread and the cake I also whipped up some easy spread butter (a mix of butter and e.v. olive oil). Although from today's temperatures we may not need the easy spread any more.

Have been picking cauliflower, broccoli, kale and purple sprouting broccoli.  Romanesco cauliflower should be ready soon.  Beetroot, garlic, carrots and spring onions are on their way and I have just sown some sugar snap peas and bean seeds hoping it is not too early.  The sun after days of cloud is making the plants wilt.


  1. That looks dreadful; I believe there was some quite serious flooding in places in Blighty too. Your vegs look good; Seth tells me that we have lots of Tomatoes back in Brighton; I can hardly wait.

    1. I don't remember hearing about flooding in U.K. just drought and heat. Glad your tomatoes are doing well. Seth did mention that he was moving to Brighton.

  2. Your garden is a long way ahead of anything down here, even the seedlings we can manage to get are so small.The flooding, I cannot imagine the grief and all else the home owners are facing.

    1. Yes, a lot of our purchased seedlings have been very small. The plants are actually larger than the harvests but still worth having. It must be terrible having mud right through ones house. Hope you are doing all right now after your last hospital visit.

  3. It is becoming increasing obvious that the world that we once knew and loved is changing day by day.
    Here we have seen very little rain for well over two months, and it still very hot.

    1. Yes, and all for the worst. We were just wondering where it will end. How long can the country afford all these clean-ups and rebuilding especially after all the extra costs with Covid. I expect we will have similar weather to yours over our summer. I was surprised to see Cro mention the flooding in U.K. We have been hearing and reading about heat and drought.

  4. I've been watching the news. Really terrible damage. Those poor people who lost their homes.
    Your garden looks as though the rain around you has helped the vegetables grow.

    1. Yes, we have been lucky but we feel for all the poor people whose houses have been washed away or inundated with mud.

  5. The authorities should start making plans and taking measures to help people face these weather conditions. Climate Change is serious, and it is now!

    1. Yes, it is getting really serious and very expensive.

  6. I saw photos of flooding in Kaitaia. It's strange that we had virtually no rain here and everywhere else got hit.

    1. Yes, you seem to have been very lucky with your winter weather there since you moved.

  7. I look forward to your lush garden photos every season. It also looks like you've been quite industrious in the kitchen. The loaves look fab.
    The flooding looks catastrophic.

    1. The flooding is really serious as main roads have been washed out both north of us and down in the South Island with whole hillsides slumping. Goodness knows how long the cleanup/reconstruction will take.
