Wednesday, November 1, 2023


Well, yesterday (31st) the rain finally stopped and the wind eased  in the early afternoon.  About 4.30p.m. I had just put my feet up to read when the doorbell rang and it was a young lad, the grandson of our neighbour across the road, Trick and Treating.  He went away with his haul.  I was just going back to read when the bell went again and it was his sister and a friend Trick and Treating once again.  Brother had, obviously, been sent over first to check on our reaction.  

All went quiet then for a couple of hours and we were just watching the News when the doorbell rang again.  This time Doug went and it was a young lady with her two young children with special bags for their haul.  That was it as far as Trick and Treating went.

A couple of years ago we had a lot of teenagers coming around and ran out of supplies so last year we stocked up and no-one came so we gave the treats to a young boy a couple of houses down the road.  He and his grandfather live with a friend so they would all have shared.

As far as the weather is concerned it has stayed dry today and the lawn is drying out.  Amazingly, all my vegetables have fared well in spite of the wind and rain.  First thing this morning I staked a lot of the foxgloves and cut some that had snapped off in the wind.  Apart from that we have been in town all day so that is all I have done  apart from getting 3 loads of washing done and out drying.

I collected these foxgloves and borage this morning as they had broken off. The foxglove has a distorted stem which gives it a lot of extra flowers.  I must remember to move my finger out of the way with this new phone.

nothing much has happened here.

The forecast has improved and apart from a few showers on Friday and Saturday it is now forecast to be fine until Tuesday.  


  1. Luckily we were free of such people last night. Maybe it was raining!!!

  2. What seemed to be happening here were mostly family gatherings.. Probably the wind and rain had a lot to do with that!!
    Good to hear that your garden has survived.
    Stitchingfarmgirl from the other side of Whangarei said that being further in from the coast they had been affected less by the weather.
    We have a definite indoors day here today!!

    1. After I lost my list of blogs I follow I couldn't remember Raewyn's blog name. Thank you.

  3. What fun! I always enjoy seeing the little ones in their costumes. Your foxgloves are beautiful!

    1. Yes, to both. Little ones in their costumes are great and the foxgloves have done really well this year.

  4. I don't think we had any where we are, mind you we are semi-rural, situated just out of Greymouth.

  5. You had a busy time! One year our neighbours little boys made a 'trick' and were so disappointed that every household gave them treats. They asked me if I wanted a trick and I felt obliged to say yes. I had to dunk my hand in a bowl of slimy stuff. They were delighted!
