Thursday, July 4, 2024


I don't usually grow garlic as I have always bought it from the Growers' Market but the man growing it has sold up and retired.  I refuse to buy the Chinese garlic that looks as though it has been bleached so decided to grow some this year.  

I bought "ordinary" garlic I think it was Printanor as well as Elephant Garlic and planted them on June 12th.  This morning I decided to weed the bed, well they were not actually weeds but hundreds of tomato seedlings.  It was only when I started to do this that I realised the garlic has come up in just 3 weeks.   

There are a dozen that have come up and I think another one or two plus the Elephant garlic that haven't shown yet.  The plastic mesh is to stop the birds scratching.  In spite of that there was one bulb at soil level which I replanted.  I was pleased to see it had some good roots.

We have had so much rain I had wondered whether they would rot below ground so was pleased with this first step.  A long way to go yet but it is a start.


  1. I will be interested to see how your garlic progresses. The last lot I grew was a disaster, but I am thinking perhaps I could try again.

  2. My main worry is aphids as I had them on my chives and spring onions this year. Gardening is always a risky business with the weather and bugs.

  3. I have not gone for Elephant Garlic as I heard that it doesn't store. It will be interesting to see your I need to ensure planting before frost to ensure that I end up with a bulb divided into then having the best to choose for planting. However those big fat single garlics are less fiddly to use !!

  4. I thought I would use the Elephant garlic first. We had a light frost this morning, none last winter. I just hope I get some garlic. I planted a couple of bulbs last year abd got a little cool.

  5. Our garlic always looks so healthy but not much bulb. Fortunately we can buy fresh garlic and it goes in everything. It seems

    1. I grew just a couple last year and they were quite good. Fingers crossed for this year.

  6. We have had 2 frosts, zero this morning, your garden cover is a great idea, the garlic should do well.

    1. This morning, just after 8 a.m. we had the gutters cleaned and house washed. There were ice shards in the gutter. Fingers crossed for the garlic.

  7. I never had much luck with Garlic, often I would get just one large clove.

    1. As with any crop there are many things that can go wrong. I just hope everything goes well.

  8. We are going to try and grow some in Spring, there are some great videos on youtube about people growing it.
