Wednesday, January 22, 2020


We have not received any rain in the past week and are being warned that a drought could soon be declared and water restrictions imposed.  The temperature was 27 degrees today with 29 forecast from Friday through to Tuesday inclusive and the forecast is for the Airport where it is usually slightly cooler than in town..  We are watering every day and hope that restrictions are not imposed.

Anyway,  on this hot, dry day Doug answered the phone and was asked  if we would like to buy a load of firewood.  It was our usual supplier (who raise funds to repair old farm vehicles at the museum) so, of course, the answer was yes.  At least with the weather so dry we do not have to worry about storing it straight away.

We will be getting another couple of loads later on.


  1. A good time to buy wood!!
    Hope your vegetable garden is loving the sun.

    1. It is still growing well but dries out very fast and needs watering every day.

  2. Great idea to get your firewood in early. We are into level one water restrictions here, meaning sprinklers can only be used for a couple of hours a day. But we are nowhere near as dry as your countryside is. Hope it rains for you soon.

    1. Further north in the Far North District Council's area they have water restrictions but, from what I just read, it sounds as though we are o.k. for now. No rain in the ten day forecast. Hope you get some as well.

  3. We've asked for rain, and now we've got floods, quite dangerous ones, from the beginning of January. Hopefully, things get better.
    So beware what you ask for:)

    1. That is not good. Parts of Australia that had drought also ended up with floods.

  4. I loved wood stacking!
    Hope you have gentle night of course!
    We had a little this morning, but nothing to speak if really.

  5. I am a little surprised that you are buying firewood with temperatures approaching thirty. I suppose this is advance storage for next winter.

    1. Yes, for next winter. When some is available it is best to buy it.

  6. It feels so good to get a bargain. I wouldn’t want to stack It in the heat though.

    1. It wasn't actually a bargain just standard price but looks good wood.

  7. Nice that it comes in bite-sized pieces!

  8. Thinking 'rainy' thoughts for you!

  9. It's a long while since I had to worry about firewood; all electric heating in my present home. I used to enjoy wielding an axe and stacking logs when I was younger, but not so much any more. That looks a decent load of logs.

    1. Electric heating is much easier but I do enjoy a log fire. We will be getting another load of wood before winter.

  10. It's a good time to buy it I guess to get prepared for Winter but yes it's very very dry here too.
