Friday, April 30, 2021


It was a cold start to the day again and  I got joined just before dawn.  A small body pressed against my back.  The temperatures seem very low for this time of year.  I hope it is not the start of a long, cold winter.

Bobby is continuing to eat his special food, albeit reluctantly.  He looks at the food and then at us and will, eventually eat something so, as long as he eats, we will leave things as they are.  He looks healthy and seems happy enough.

He has decided that his bed is where Doug sits on the settee and jumps up there when we go to bed.  I suppose it is still warm.  His other favourite place is on the back of a chair on a crochet rug where he can look out of the window.


  1. I hope the little chap continues to enjoy looking out of his window. We've had one of the driest, coldest Aprils that I can remember.

    1. We have had some rain but the soil is still very dry. 8 degrees C. this morning which is more a winter temperature.

  2. Once again your weather matches ours!! Although we might get a little snow for good measure this weekend!!
    Hope Bobby stays comfortable

    1. At least we don't have snow. Bobby seems comfortable thank goodness.

  3. What a lovely photo and the crochet spread looks beautiful. Is that your handiwork?

    1. I made the crochet rug nearly 50 years ago. A shop opposite my work had cheap wool in just those colours. That is my only attempt at crochet. I have been thinking I should really try again but by the end of the day I am usually too tired.

  4. Bobby looks very comfortable. Glad he's eating albeit without enthusiasm.

  5. As Bobby stays warm and happy, that is all you can ask for, and he knows the warm spots.
