Saturday, May 1, 2021


We had a phone call last night from some friends who were going to bring us a load of firewood today as he had cleared out his old shed.  

The four of us unloaded it and they did offer to help stack it as well but we knew they had other places to go so we sat and had a cup of tea with them and when they left we stacked the firewood in the woodshed with some in containers ready for the fire.  I load the wheelbarrows and Doug stacks it, he counted 16 wheelbarrow loads.  

The sack on the left is dried pine cones.


  1. AQ friend told me, " Having a woodshed full at the st art of winter is like having the hay-shed full of hay for the calves and horses", and any wood is welcome. A friend of ours goes to building sites and gets free wooden pallets, they work well and we can put 4 pieces of gum later at night, that lasts the whole night.Free wood ,delivered, a great gift.

    1. We have bought 2 loads but knew we would need more. A perfect gift.

  2. It's a good feeling knowing that there's a plentiful supply of dry wood ready for the fire.

  3. That's a gift and a half!

    1. Yes a bit stiff this morning but well worth it.

  4. Can't not have pinecones with your firewood, they are great at starting a fire.

  5. You have stacked loads of wood. Hope it lasts through the winter.
