Friday, May 28, 2021


Patrick from the home insulation people came this morning and gave us a quote for putting fresh insulation in the ceiling, insulation under the floor as well as a ground moisture membrane.  
There is an 80% government subsidy for this so the cost is not too bad.  

There is some insulation in the ceiling cavity, it may have been put there when the house was built in 1973 as I think that is when people started to insulate their houses or it could have been a bit later but it is no longer doing its job so an extra layer will be put on top of it.  

The only downside to this is that they are not able to do the job until July 22nd - eight weeks away.  I will be putting everything back in the airing cupboard in the meantime.  

It has been a nice sunny day again and the butterflies are enjoying our new plants.  I also put three caterpillars in Doug's cage.

The largest box under the house contained old bottles.  I got around to unwrapping them this morning and look forward to giving them a wash and removing the last of the paper to find out exactly what they are.


  1. Good you are having the insulation done as it will make it so much more comfortable during inclement weather. Depending on how old those bottles are a collector may snatch them up.

    1. Old here is not like old in Europe but a couple looked interesting.

  2. You're doing a good thing. Insulation is a different thing now compared to how it was back then. I hope it makes your house a bit warmer.

  3. How great that the insulation work will be mostly gov't subsidized. I would imagine that without such support the work could be rather costly.

    'Hurrah' for your butterfly buddies in the garden!

  4. July 22nd sounds like a very good date. When I did the interior of the barn, I installed masses of thick Rock Wool insulation, as well as some multi layered silver stuff on the exterior. It has made such a difference, the house is always cosy. In our old house, it's much more difficult to insulate.

    1. Yes that date rings a bell. I am sure the insulation will make a big difference. Wish it was sooner but the way time is flying it will soon be here.

  5. Spray foam insulation kits are often used in residential homes to help reduce energy consumption and at the same time keep your house well and properly insulated. spray foam insulation kit 55-gallon drums
