Thursday, May 27, 2021


Finally, we got some jobs done.  It was a sunny day and tomorrow we are having our house checked to see what extra insulation is needed so we had  to make sure that under the house and the way to the roof area were both clear.

After doing some washing I emptied out the airing cupboard as that is where the access is to the roof.  Meanwhile, Doug had removed the lawnmower from under the house as well as several boxes.

When he moved here 13 years ago he put a few boxes under the house so it was interesting to see what was in them.  We still have several to sort through but got rid of quite a bit that was no longer needed.  Lots of cardboard is folded ready for the recycle collection.

I had hoped to plant out some of the kale plants but by the time these  jobs were done we were tired and, after lunch put our feet up.

If tomorrow is not raining as forecast we may get into the garden.


  1. We helped insulate under a house in Blenheim the first time I came to made a huge difference

    1. It will be interesting to see what is recommended.

  2. If those boxes haven't been needed for thirteen years I should think there's plenty you can throw out. I'm the opposite sort of person; I throw things out then spend years wondering where I've put them!

    1. Actually some turned out to be things we were thinking of buying so that's good but a lot will go.

  3. It really does sound as though you're feeling better. Good luck with the weather.

    1. Still tire easily but improving. Another sunny day today.

  4. Our neighborhood is having an organized garage sale next month. We are taking advantage of this and getting rid of so much stuff. Really happy you are doing better.

    1. It is always a good feeling when one has "decluttered". Hope things are going well for both of you.
