Monday, March 7, 2022


 It is 10 days since I took this photo of the bananas

 and today they look like this 

I am trying not to count my chickens before they hatch or, in this case, my bananas before they ripen but they are looking good.  Still a long way to go .

The second plant is just coming into bud as well.


  1. That reminds me; I've got some bananas to eat which are rather too ripe. Not locally grown of course!

    1. I have just made two batches of blueberry and banana muffins as I had some that were getting quite ripe. I use a lot making smoothies.

  2. You're gonna get good crops off them, I have clients that have them in their gardens and they always get lots of fruit.

    1. Yes, we used to get some good sized bunches when we lived in the North.

  3. We have passionfruit, last year I counted a grand total of 13 !!! This year, before a lot of green ones fell, maybe an overloaded vine or two, there were more than 126!! They have ripened, a gentle shake of the vine and anything ready will fall to the lawn. Joyous delights as they are 39.99 in the supermarket.You will be looking each day to check if they are still there and ripening as they should, The glorious north.

    1. That's a good haul of passionfruit. I see it is 75 - 80 days from banana flower to harvesting so a way to go yet.

  4. Gosh, that's marvellous bounty. I hope they all ripen and soon you'll be describing their taste

    1. A good couple of months yet. Just hope they survive. Lots can happen in the meantim.

  5. That was a good investment planting those!!
    And a beautifully sculptural addition to the garden

  6. I hope that you do get to eat some - it must have been an exciting project both to do and to watch.

  7. Looks like you'll have heaps of yummy bananas in the near future!

    1. A good couple of months to ripen and we are heading towards winter. Unfortunately there is a lot that can ruin them in particular strong wind and vermin.

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