Saturday, April 22, 2023


 We got to the Market just before 7 a.m. and the car park was nearly full.  I went straight to the stall where we buy the delicious tomatoes, capsicum and aubergine while Doug went to the stall with pineapples and bananas.  There was a queue for the tomatoes etc. but they seemed to have some left but Doug said he got the second to last pineapple, (they threw in the smaller one).  There were barely any bananas left.  The three in the photo are local bananas but we actually bought them in the supermarket later.

We bought spinach, watercress, lettuce, capsicum, avocados, spring onions, tomatoes, pineapples and three very nice beetroot that I missed in the photo.  Everything is locally grown and very fresh.

The banana flowers are opening.  I love the look of them.

Off to do 100 rows on the rowing machine and then roast the beetroot, aubergine, capsicum and some kumara.  We will have some with cauliflower mash (something we only discovered last year), spinach  and venison casserole.  

Later: the roast vegetables


  1. Looks delicious, and to be able to get such fresh veges at times like this is a real treat.

    1. We are so lucky. Between seasons for us. Summer vegies finished and winter ones have a while to go so it is great to be able to buy such fresh vegetables.

  2. I think it's a scandal that we don't have a decent market here in Brighton. There used to be one a mile or so away that sold mostly 'trimmed' vegs; in other words stuff that was past its best. In France it would be unimaginable that a city the size of Brighton didn't have a really big weekly market.

    1. It does seem surprising. I always loved the Oswestry market.

  3. The veg looks good - and even better when roasted and ready to eat.

    1. It was delicious for lunch (our main meal) and again with a salad for our "tea".

  4. That market is marvellous. Where do the pineapples come from. Are they local too?

  5. Yes on the outskirts of Whangarei. See Geneva Fruits on fb

  6. Lovely to have fresh market fruit and veges to back up your productive garden

    1. Garden did us proud over summer but lacking now. Can't complain with the lovely produce at the Market.

  7. I don't know why but the pineapples I've seen here seem to be looking old and unfresh. I hope you got some fresh ones.

    1. They couldn't have been fresher. Locally grown and absolutely delicious.
