Saturday, April 15, 2023


Over summer we did not need to go to the Growers' Market but started a few weeks ago when we started changing the garden from summer to winter crops.

I have particular stalls that I frequent.  Today I knew that one from Broadwood where I buy spring onions and leeks wasn't going to be there so I went straight to a stall that has capsicums, aubergines and Lebanese cucumbers and last week had delicious tomatoes.  We got to the market before 7 a.m. and I was glad I had gone straight to that stall as there was a long queue and stock was getting low.  This couple used to go to the Kaitaia market many years ago so I must have been buying from them for over 15 years possibly a lot longer.

I was very happy with the produce I bought which will keep us going for a week.  A cauliflower, watercress, orange kumara, aubergine, tomatoes, Reed avocados, some capsicums and carrots.


  1. A very nice haul; I buy most of those each week, except the carrots. However, I shall buy 3 carrots this morning for a Lamb Hot Pot for Sunday. Here the Caulis are amazing at the moment, and really very cheap.

    1. Unfortunately, since cyclone Gabrielle's damage all vegies have risen in price.

  2. Great looking veg! Good to have a market like that nearby.

    1. Yes, one must get there early but it is well worth it.

  3. They look so fresh and full of colour. I'm envious of the avocados and watercress. I've never seen it here

    1. Lots of stalls have avocados but just the one with watercress. They also have lovely lettuces and rocket all hydroponic.

  4. What lovely looking veg, so good for you to have a growers' market nearby.

    1. Yes, we didn't go there over summer as we had plenty of veg but it is great to get such good produce especially considering the cyclone.

  5. Replies
    1. We will enjoy eating it all and go back again for more next week.
