Monday, April 29, 2024


We used to be on a power plan (electricity) that gave us 30 cents a litre off petrol every month.  This came to an end in January and we are now on a plan that is slightly more per Kw but we have free power on weekends from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.  This has made my weekends much busier as I do my washing then as well as some cooking.  

A while ago we bought a Bissell Upholstery cleaning machine and it has been sitting in the spare room but yesterday (Sunday) Doug decided to try it.  He ended up cleaning the cushions on our three piece lounge suite as well as 6 dining chairs.  While he did this I got several loads of washing done and roasted a leg of lamb.

After lunch I decided that I might as well wash some cushion covers as well as the arm covers from the lounge suite.  We usually try and put our feet up for a while at about 3 or 4 p.m. but it was nearly 5 p.m. when we finished and I noticed our neighbour opposite was home and I had some bananas for her.  As I went to cross the road her daughter was coming to see us in the other direction, she had been fishing and had a snapper for us. This meant that I went home and filleted the fish but it was well worth it with delicious fresh snapper for our evening meal.

We have both been out of action and not been on the Parkinson Walk for a couple of weeks.  Doug after having a skin cancer removed from his nose with a skin graft and me being on two lots of antibiotics with a sinus infection.  Today, I rejoined the walking group and eleven of us had a very pleasant walk around the Loop at the Town Basin.  Hopefully, Doug will be back walking next week.

Life is busy but good.


  1. Sounds like you've both have a rough time. I hope everything returns to normal very soon.

    1. Thank you. The joys of aging. We try not to slow down.

  2. You may have both been feeling under the weather but what an enormous amount you have both achieved - a great idea to have free power at the weekend - I wish they did that here too.

  3. Yes, Rosemary it is new and uses power when there is usually low demand.

    1. A very good idea...and what a productive weekend!

      Commiserations re sinuses..sending a fellow feeling hug ((0)). Hope Doug's work heals well, Pirate had one done on his face and it healed ok

    2. It sounds like a win/win situation. Yes, sinuses can be a real pain (literally). I think Doug is healing well, it was just the antibiotics that were upsetting him.

  4. What terrific electricity benefits. Free power on weekends is amazing. You must have very productive weekends.
    And a nice exchange. Isn't it great to have neighbours like that

    1. I thought it sounded too good to be true to start with but it is working. A bit tiring though. Yes, great neighbours make such a difference.

  5. I'll wager that Bissel does a good job on cat fur. We've cat fur covering all of our living room furniture and then some!
    Glad that life is busy, but good for you and Doug.

    1. Cat hair not too bad as we use lots if fleece rugs on Blue's chairs and he is short haired. Yes life is good.

  6. Sorry to learn that you've both been unwell. What a busy weekend you had, but it is a good feeling when jobs like that are completed, now you can put your feet up! I love the idea of an exchange of bananas and snapper!

    1. I don't know about putting feet up. It has been a busy week.

  7. There's alot of flu bugs going around, I've been sick at least 3 times in the last couple of months and it's getting me down. I did buy a bissell carpet cleaning machine a few years back and I love it, bought it on special when we lived in Tauranga, it's been amazing.

    1. That's not good getting those bugs even before winter starts. We are very pleased with the Bissell upholstery cleaner. I don't know why your comments keep going to spam.
