Saturday, April 13, 2024


 It is just over two years since this opened and we have finally been to see the Gallery.  We had been waiting to go with visitors but it never worked out and our visitors who went on Monday while we were on the Parkinson walk said we must go and see it. I had read that it was well worth getting a guided tour so that it what we did.  Thursday was horrible with strong wind and much needed rain and the school holidays start today so yesterday seemed a good day.

The hour long tour started at 11a.m. and we thoroughly enjoyed it. You are also able to visit the Gallery for the rest of the day if you like.  

A couple of photos of Friedrich Hundertwasser at his home in the Bay of Islands

Some of his paintings

Two of the rugs he designed.  He liked top one so much he had it in his cabin on his final trip on the Q.E.II.  He had a heart attack and died on the ship in Cairns.

Some of the posters he designed. I understand his first one was for Conservation Week then he did several others for causes he supported.

A fantail in the floor tiles

On the spur of the moment we decided to have lunch at Aqua which is attached to the Gallery. This is a seahorse in tiles reflected in a mirror in the Ladies Toilet.  We were so pleased with our decision to have lunch there.  Line caught snapper with the most delicious salad.


  1. I love his cabin. There's a lot of Klimt in his work, which is not a bad thing.

    1. His property is supposed to be opening for tours in the not too distant future.

  2. I really like the art work. Colourful and cheery. The seahorse is marvellous

  3. Not sure how I could have lived all this time without knowing about Friedensreich Hundertwasser. I shall investigate further!

    1. You will find a lot about him in Europe I am sure. This link goes to the Hundertwasser Art Centre website and is about him living in New Zealand which I found interesting.

  4. I love Hundertwasser's work. We have a winery somewhere in the Napa Valley that was built by him. I have yet to go and seek it out. When I lived in SW Germany, I used to take the suburban rail by one of his buildings in a city called Plochingen. How wonderful that you've a whole museum dedicated to his sumptuous creations.

    1. He lived just north of here and did a rough design for the Art Centre which had to be built on that exact spot. There was a lot of controversy about its building (Mainly cost). I googled the winery and see it also has the golden cupola.

  5. Hoping that I can get to see all that for real...but thankyou for a virtual taster!! Xx

    1. I hope so. I am sure we will be going back for another look.

  6. I need to go in there and check it out next time we are up that way, another friend visited and said she really enjoyed it.
