Monday, August 5, 2024


 On Thursday afternoon a severe weather watch was issued for Friday, Saturday and Sunday so we decided to forgo the Saturday market and did a supermarket shop on Friday.  This meant that we were able to just hunker down for the wet weekend and actually watched some of the Olympic Games.  The forecast was a bit better today (Monday) for our walk so we hoped it would go ahead.  As it turned out it was a lovely day.  Clouds around but the sun was quite warm and the walk around the Loop at the Town Basin was great.  We had 11 walkers and were met by another 4 for coffee at about the 3/4 mark of our walk.  

The Bascule Bridge

The Wave and Waka sculpture

Ornamental kale in front of the sundial

Doug and I had lunch at the Town Basin afterwards so a very enjoyable morning.


  1. Those kale put on a. good show. Wet, cloudty and cold down here, I thought we would have a frost and another sunny day like yesterday.

  2. Sounds like our weekend weather has got down to you. The kale was a real spectacle.

  3. With all that rain you get good growth and lovely greenery. When the sun comes out its picture postcard perfect

    1. The only downside (for Doug) is that the lawns never stop growing. 🙂

  4. Love that sculpture! We never went that time!!
