Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday walk - 18th June

The forecast, once again for a Monday, was for rain and storms, however, we were lucky as the rain held off until after our walk.

Today's walk was at A.H. Reed Park.  I had done part of it before but not all.  Only seven of us today but it was most enjoyable.

 The photo above is looking up at a Kauri on the kauri boardwalk and the photo below is its trunk.  It was massive

The white on the above photo is a waterfall.  It was a bit of a goat track at this point and this was the best photo I could get safely.
Afterwards we went to Cafe Narnia for coffee and a chat.  Just as we were leaving the rain started and when I got home it came on quite heavily.  Temperature then dropped and when I checked this afternoon it was 10 degrees C.


  1. 10 C is when I feel safe to go outside. Not COLD, but could do better!

  2. Nice jacket weather for a walk. Glad it rained later and you were off the trails when they became slipery.
