Saturday, January 30, 2016

Monday's Parkinson walk to Raumanga Falls

It has been, and still is, hot and humid here.  On Monday the Parkinson's walking group met at the Information Centre and walked through the park and up the track through the bush to the Raumanga Falls then on to have a look at the new dam which was just a large wall from that side (no photo).

The dam is to hold rainwater and then release it slowly to (hopefully) avoid flooding the CBD.

The trees make it look a lot cooler than it actually was.

A vew of the waterfall through the bush.

Many of us sat at the top of the falls and watched this young man diving.  His dog is in the water below him.

We met the young man earlier picking up discarded bottles while walking his dog and having a swim,

Here he is just surfacing with his dog beside him.


  1. The young take chances and most of the time it is a great adventure. For others the outcome can be deadly. It is good to be old and not have any inclination to jump into into situations that won't cause damage. However, there is something to say about the thrill and living life on the edge. For me, that is getting out of bed.

    1. He and his dog were having a great time and he was doing a good deed at the same time by collecting all the empty drink bottles.

      I have never been a thrill seeker.

  2. I'm the opposite; I'd just love swimming in a place like that. In our pre-pool days we used to swim in rivers and lakes, in fact anywhere there was water. It looks ideal to me, and doesn't need to be cleaned every day.

    1. The pool would be o.k. although the possibility of eels may not. Would not be game to dive or jump off that rock.

  3. From where I sit in the frigid north of Scotland, hot and humid sounds good, Susan. :) I can imagine how refreshing it must be to swim in that stream in such weather.

    1. It has cooled down slightly today which is good. I hope you are managing to keep warm and dry.

  4. An interesting walk and the verdant greens makes it look cool - but I know it's otherwise!
    Encouraging to know there are young people taking care of our environment!

    1. Yes, we had a chat to him and he was most upset with the local youth who just leave their bottles behind.

      We collect rubbish on our walks 6 days a week but not when we are on the 'Parkinson' walk.

  5. It's good when somebody takes the time to pick up someone else's discarded rubbish, but they shouldn't have to. I hate it when some people drop litter without a second thought.

    1. It annoys me as well which is why I pick it up. I must say that the park where we pick it up looks so much better now.
