Friday, March 4, 2016


Doug has a seedling peach tree behind his garage.  It appears to be a cross with a Golden Queen.  I have been busy stewing a few each day.  Here is today's offering - 3 litres.  As there are only a few each day I pack them up and freeze them.   Both Doug and I have a container of them in our fridges for breakfasts - delicious.

We have also been eating them fresh for dessert.


  1. I prefer stewed to fresh actually. Lucky you

  2. Oh yum, peaches! How lovely to have your own tree.

    1. The first year I knew Doug I didn't even realise the tree was there - tucked in behind the garage.

      I can still remember my mother buying a large peach at either Victoria Station or (I thought Kings Cross but see it is now Euston) on our annual trip to Oswestry.

      She had a small fruit knife in a leather pouch and would cut the freestone peach into three, for herself, my brother and me. It was delicious.

  3. I've just noticed that our Peach trees are coming into flower; I just hope that we don't have any more serious frosts.

    1. The seasons everywhere seems to have gone haywire. From what I've gathered you have had a mild, frost free winter.
