Wednesday, April 6, 2022


Doug has not been feeling too well over the weekend.  A cough, sneezing - flu type symptoms.  Anyway, we went and got some Rat tests yesterday and he tested positive.

Goodness knows where he picked it up,  we have been so careful hardly going out.  The last time we did a Market and supermarket shop was 10 days ago at 6.30 a.m. and both the Market and supermarket were quite quiet.

I tested negative although I suppose I will end up testing positive as well.  So now we are in isolation.

On a different note this is the cartoon from today's local paper the Northern Advocate


  1. Oh dear! I'm amazed we still haven't succumbed, but there's plenty of time. Let's hope your symptoms will be mild.

  2. Oh no, and after you have both been so careful. I hope Doug is soon feeling much better and fingers crossed you will be able to escape it. Take care, Mxx

  3. Perastika. Get well soon. All our family has had it except us. It's all around so hard to avoid. Hope all Doug's symptoms are mild

    1. Thank you. It seems quite mild and he is exhausted.

  4. Bugger will have the same problem as I have... getting him to not overdo it...and what he can do will be limited for quite a few months..nothing remotely strenuous...
    Pirate is finding sleeping separately and no hugs a great strain. Looking forward to Pirate and Doug getting a negative test.
    Sending big virtual hugs to you both xx

    1. At the moment he is too tired to want to do things but, as you say, later on it will be hard stopping him. I will have to tie him down. Hope Pirate starts to improve soon. xx

  5. I have had symptoms for 3 days and each day the test is negative, so maybe not enough in my system yet!! Doug, lots of rest, now and for several weeks afterwards.Vitamin C , those sachets of gel are easy to take, and keep up with lots of fluids. Sue,if you are going to get it, do it sooner, then it's all over and done with.Hoping you do not get a severe attack. XX to you both.

  6. Hope Doug's symptons are mild - we have fortunately remained free of covid throughout the pandemic - touch wood.

  7. Sorry to hear about the need for quarantine. Hope you both fair well. The meme is sadly perfect. He really is such a monster.
    Sandy's Space

    1. Luckily as we have both had the booster we have a mild version.

  8. I feel for you both, we are only just getting over it. from what we've seen people seem to react differently to it. The boys had mild versions of it but myself and my daughter we got hit hard, I'm still trying to get rid of a cough after 4 days of testing negative.

    1. I hope your cough goes soon. We have coughs, colds and extreme lethargy. I don't think O have done anything all day. Mot line me at all.
