Monday, March 22, 2021


We got a 9.30 a.m. appointment for Bobby.  Both vets are excellent but we prefer Natalie and she saw Bobby.  When she listened to his heart she could hear mucous on his lungs and she was also worried that he could have a thyroid problem.

We left him to have blood tests and  x-rays and were told we would not hear until about midday.  Finally just after 2 p.m. I got a call and was told that it would be easier to tell us the problem in person and she will not be free until 5 p.m. (it is now 3.15 so we have a while to wait.  I will update later.

LATER: We went back at 5 p.m. but had to wait as there had been an emergency and she was running late.  The blood tests showed up an overactive thyroid and we were told about various treatments starting with sending him down to Auckland.  The one we have opted for is giving him a tablet each day and special food.  He seemed a lot worse today or perhaps it was the stress of going in to the vets.  

The x-rays were not good either as there is some sort of mass next to his heart.  Anyway, we are starting on the thyroid and will see how he progresses from there.  As Doug said to Natalie we may have to sell the house and live in a tent with Bobby if he continues to be so expensive.  He has been with us under 5 months so far.  

Anyway, the news could have been a lot worse.  As you can imagine it has been a stressful day.


  1. That's not what one wants to hear. By now you must have seen her, and I hope the news wasn't too bad.

  2. We have done that with stray cats, and later they just vanished, literally breaking my heart.He will tell you if this is going to give him some relief. meantime I send all my love to you three, as this must have been a horrendous day xxxxx

    1. Thank you Jean. He was not happy about the pill but I hope it stayed down. He loves the new food and ate it rather than his usual one (it is supposed to be introduced gradually). Your op must be soon. It will be good to have it behind you.

  3. I dread any of my cats being ill at the best of times but now when we can't go inside with them I dread it even more. I hope the pills sort him out poor boy. Cats are wonderful creatures and don't let on how ill they are, it's up to us to try to read the signs.

    1. Yes, it is always hard because, as you say, they hide the fact they are ill. I had this problem with my calico cat. She went downhill very quickly with diabetes but must have had it for a while. Bobby does not want anything to do with us today. Slept in the outside run - obviously blames us for everything that happened to him yesterday LOL

  4. Replies
    1. I think getting a pill into him every day is going to be hard. Very strong and angry.

  5. Sending positive vibes for Bobby. Hope he takes the pill ok everyday

    1. Thank you, Hopefully I will be able to get the pill into him every day.

  6. We had a cat with thyroid problems and we also gave him a pill (which wasn’t easy). He went on to having a long life. I do hope that will be the case with Bobby. The mass could be more trouble some, but it also could be non-cancerous. Vets are such good and caring people but OMG, they are very expensive. However, my pets are family and I will do anything I can for them.

    1. Yes, our pets are family - we just want him to feel better.

  7. Oh, poor Bobby. I had a childhood cat that lived until I was 27. My mother's hubby dubbed him the 'Million Dollar Cat' as his vet bills started to stack up when he became a senior citizen. Hopefully, Bobby will take to the daily pills just fine.

    1. 27 is a very good age. My first cat here in New Zealand was 18 years old. Just hoping he settles to taking the pills.

  8. At least knowing his problems is positive.
    Wishing you all the best xx

    1. Thank you. When we were told to go in at 5 p.m. we thought all sorts of things - none of them good. At least the thyroid problem is treatable.
