Friday, March 26, 2021


 Where do the weeks go. Apart from the Parkinson walk and then checking out another possible walk Monday was mostly taken up with Bobby.  Tuesday we had the plumber come to do a small job at 8.30 a.m. and then our hairdresser came to cut our hair at 11 a.m. and the rest of the day was keeping an eye on Bobby and giving him his pill.

Wednesday, was the walk up Parihaka and we felt a lot more relaxed afterwards.  Yesterday, Thursday, I baked some muffins then two ladies from the Parkinson group came around for a cuppa then we went with one of them to suss out a potential new walk in behind a nearby subdivision.  I didn't take any photos but we will be doing the walk on Monday so I will try and remember to take some then.

Today, I made some mini corn loaves and then we had neighbours B and R here for a cuppa at 2.30 p.m.  They had been here about half an hour when another neighbour A called in.  She is in her eighties and lives on her own and calls in when she needs a chat.  She didn't want a cuppa and stayed a while then headed home.  A little while  later she was back again.  She had had a shower and noticed a rash and wanted advice as to whether she should go to the chemist or doctor (At this stage it was about 4 p.m. Friday afternoon).  We said phone the doctor.  She went home and phoned back to say she had spoken to the nurse who would get back to her.  She phoned again later to say the doctor would see her as he could then tell what the rash was.  Doug took her over to the doctor and has just come back.  As it was getting near closing time it was quiet and she went straight in.  He has given her antihistamines and thinks it may have been a reaction to some antibiotics she was on recently.  Hopefully, the rash will now clear up.

Apart from this  we have been giving Bobby his daily pill.  Now using the pill popper and will get a shorter one next time we are in town.  He still fights it.  At least he is eating his new special diet although this is being introduced gradually.  He is looking and behaving so much better and has now worked out the cat door back from the run.  Previously he has got into the run but had trouble getting back out.

Another weekend tomorrow and off early to the Market.


  1. That's a pleasantly busy day. I would like hair cut too. Hairdressers are open now.
    Good news about Bobby.

    1. We realise how lucky we are here. Life goes on much as usual. All we have to do is a Covid scan when going places.

  2. Sounds like another busy day, so glad Bobby is doing better.

    1. Yes, it is good to see Bobby relaxed once again. Days seem to be getting busier from now to Easter but hopefully slowing down again.

  3. I am so glad that Bobby is doing better. I hope the improvement keeps improving.

    It must be wonderful to have friends over. I hope that I will be able to do that soon.

    1. We realise how lucky we are compared to most of the world. I hope it is not too long before you can as well.

  4. Giving animals a pill is always difficult. We usually crush them and mix with something tasty, but even that's not always easy. I suggest hiding the pill in some jam; it always worked for me!

    1. These are slow release pills so can't be crushed. I remember you and the jam well.
