Sunday, May 7, 2023


 No-one does Pomp and Ceremony like the British. We watched until just after 10.30 p.m. We were both tired and my eyes were sore as they are not used to such a long period in front of a screen. 

We  caught up with what we missed today. 

Our coverage last night started with various Kiwis who were attending.  I am always impressed with Willie Apiata  Victoria Cross recipient. I couldn't find his interview to share.

Long live the King. 


  1. Willie Apiata had an interview with Melissa Stokes , I guess before he flew over. Both almost tearful, he was modest. humble, and considered it a huge honour to be present there. What pomp, Charlotte was one of the highlights for me, and then specially the 6 Windsor Grey horses as they teamed together to pull the Golden Carriage. 3 riders, blue blinkers and more, and as for Charlotte, I watched as she joined in singing the last hymn.And as she looked up at William as George walked past, at the end, holding the train once again. Almost to say " Look, Dad, there's George " Spectacular, A very long time to sit, composed, as yesterday I did read the the Abbey toilets would be closed for several hours during the ceremony, and guests were advised not to drink anything after midnight.Almost equal to fasting before surgery!!!So glad I could manage to watch most of it.

  2. Hello Jean, yes the interview with Melissa is the one I hoped to share. Melissa also mentioned
    that she was worried about everyone with the toilet situation. We enjoyed it all and the programme yesterday afternoon with interviews.

  3. Willie Apiata is a kiwi whom we all admire, he's very cool, we didn't bother watching the coronation, I went to bed and had a good sleep.

  4. We watched TV3 so had BBC Livestream and missed those interviews. I agree, only the British know how to truly do Pomp and Ceremony :)
