Saturday, December 28, 2019


The tomatoes are coming on well.  Doug and I garden in different ways and he prefers to plant close together.  We planted 6 tomatoes of three different varieties.  The Russian Red were the first to go in and we have picked a few of them, they are a smaller tomato but very sturdy.  I have had to cover the ripening ones with net curtain as the blackbirds think that the apples they are given are not sufficient and some tomato goes down well with them.  They ate a whole one before I put the net on.

Now they just have to withstand whatever the weather gods throw at them, hopefully, they will go on to flourish and not get blown down or blight or some other problem.  They are looking good at the moment.

They have been sprayed with copper to help prevent blight.

The newer tomatoes that I grew from seed and had to put plastic netting around to stop the blackbirds from digging them up are also doing well.

The lettuce seedlings I planted last weekend next to the tomatoes are also thriving.


  1. I love homegrown tomatoes. Hope you have a great harvest.

    1. We have our fingers crossed. Thak you for commenting - I have left a comment on your blog.

  2. They look very healthy, I just hope mine will do as well next year.

    1. They look good at the moment and I hope they stay that way.

  3. Your tomatoes look good - as I am sure the blackbirds know well! The netting looks like it will do the trick in keeping them off the fruit.

  4. They'll taste better than any you can buy from the shops!

    1. Yes, although when we buy them we buy from the Growers' Market and they are pretty good but nothing can compare with one straight off the vine.

  5. They look very healthy and lovely.

    1. I just hope they stay that way. All depends on Mother Nature.

  6. The tomatoes are looking good. Nothing beats home-grown for flavour!
