Monday, March 30, 2020


We did the usual walks - I carried 4 kg for Sophie's walk - more of a saunter and  the 3kg on the main walk.  In yesterday's comments Jean told me about a Les Mills Exercise programme on television this morning so we decided to have a look at it.  Unfortunately, it was too advanced and fast for us to keep up with so we reverted to our usual exercise regime.  I am rediscovering skipping - great exercise.

As we are still not able to get either "click and collect" groceries or delivery we have decided to ask Doug's youngest daughter to shop for us.  I had thought I may go myself today but the first news I read this morning was Jacinda Ardern saying ""I do worry that our older New Zealanders who may have a tendency to not wish to be perceived to be putting anyone out may not be asking for the help that we need to give them.
"I really want to again re-state, you must stay at home,'' she said
So, when she finishes work we will phone her (Doug's daughter) and email a shopping list.  
I take  Kyolic Garlic every day and ordered some a week ago and they have just been delivered.  I also received an email telling me that the vegetable seeds I ordered have been dispatched.  I also hope to put an order in for seedlings on Thursday.  
The time seems to be flying and we have not even done today's crossword yet, in fact we haven't even started it.


  1. Yes, I'm not sure where last week went, though I expect that time will start to hang heavy on our hands before this thing is over. Much the same situation with grocery shopping here; they say not to panic buy but that's difficult when it's taken several days to get a delivery slot and everything is booked up for at least another three weeks.

    1. Yes, we did as we were told and didn't panic buy and then things like flour and yeast ran out. We are looking forward to getting our seeds and, hopefully, some seedlings and can then get planting and sowing.

  2. 9 a.m. ready to go, not in a leotard and fancy shoes, and THEN it began.Phew, way too advanced for me and I didn't watch the 3 p.m. one aimed at younger children, instead went for a longer walk. You are lucky to get seedlings, I see Kings seeds will do an online order and say delivery will take time. All OK here, the nearest cases are at least 3 hours north or 2 hours south so far.

    1. Yes, we couldn't keep up It is seeds that have been dispatched (from Kings Seeds) on Thursday I hope to get an order in to Awapuni for some seedlings. Limited numbers of set packs available. Our nearest case is in Whangarei Hospital. Not sure where all the other cases in Northland are. Keep safe

  3. I turned 70 this month, so I am in the "elderly" section of the life boat during this disaster. But what they say is we elderly are targets of this virus if we have underlying medical conditions. Take care and stay safe. This too shall pass.


    1. We are told that over 70's are targets with or without medical conditions. A lot are still carrying on as usual with shopping etc. I think it is because one still feels young at 70 and it is hard to realise that one is in the "elderly" category.

      We heard this morning that your Commander in Chief has changed his stance on people returning to work in the near future.

  4. Good thing you're keeping out of the supermarket. I'm sure it's one of the worst places to be even if you keep your distance.
    You are going to be fit and strong when all this ends

    1. Yes, we do seem to be getting extra exercise. Talking to a friend this morning whose over 70 husband is still doing the grocery shopping it sounds well organised. We are still intending to stick by the rules.

  5. Our good neighbors have been seeing to all of our shopping needs. They have insisted that we stay home and have told us our local market is a ”cesspool”. Very little caution is being made for the shoppers. When our shopping is brought home they deposit everything in our garage, we then use disinfectant wipes on all packaging before bringing it all to the pantry.

    1. Yes, we will be wiping the shopping down. Heard from a friend today that our local supermarket is running very well. Limited people allowed in at a time, trolleys disinfected between users and groceries put into a fresh trolley for customers to take to car and put in bags there. Good to know you are being well looked after.

  6. We have found that vitamin c with echinacea works really well but it's about finding something that works for you more than anything. I am still waiting for a phone call from my old workplace about an interview time, no doubt they must be very busy.

    1. You would think they would be in a hurry to get you back at work, after all they know you. Vitamin c and echinacea sounds good.
