Tuesday, November 24, 2020


We decided to take Bobby to the vets for a check up.  Doug phoned and got an appointment for 11 a.m. so I got on with the calendars for posting to Australia and,  Doug dropped me off and took Bobby to the Vet while I went to the Post Shop.  Bobby did not like being in a cage and howled all the way.

We like both the vets and this time it was Natalie and she gave him a good check - he was good once he was out of the cage.  Apparently he has hair balls and his teeth need a good clean.  She was not sure if they could do it today so suggested we bring him back tomorrow but Doug did not think we would be able to get him back in the cage so they kept him and  if they can't do it today will do it tomorrow.  In the short time he has been with us he has left a gap now he is not here.

Anyway, we came home and I made a tray of mini sweetcorn loaves as the previous batch had somehow disappeared.  

On Sunday Doug put his feet up and fell asleep to be joined by Bobby.


  1. Bobby has definitely found a loving home with you and Doug. He looks quite comfortable on the bed with Doug.

    Getting a cat’s teeth cleaned here is much more expensive than getting mine cleaned.

    1. Yes, I think the bill will be large but his teeth need cleaning.

  2. Much better to avoid that cage problem again, and there will be a very quiet home tonight at your place.

  3. Freddie hated his travelling cage, and would also howl the whole time. Being vengeful, he'd also pee in it on the way home, simply to register his annoyance.

    1. Luckily, Kim sat quietly. I don't know if Bobby has been in a cage before.

  4. It's great how Bobby has adopted you and Doug. I love the photo of Bobby asleep on the bed as I am currently sitting on my bed with Mittens sound asleep beside me :)

  5. Bobby is so lucky to have you two.

  6. We make corn bread - not sure if that is the same thng.

    1. I expect so, David, made with cornmeal flour and canned creamed sweetcorn. Delicious.

  7. Bobby looks to be very much at home with you in that snap. :)

    1. He walked in and made himself at home straight away.

  8. I remember one of our cats had to have his teeth cleaned, the vets had to put him under to do it. Hope Bobby has bounced back ok
