Tuesday, June 9, 2020


No difference for us as, apart from our walks - I did the usual walk around the block and Doug took Sophie for a shorter walk - we have been home.  We could, however, have gone to bars, clubs, restaurants etc. with no social distancing.

It seems like life is back to normal apart from people coming into the country will have to go into Managed Isolation or Quarantine for at least 14 days.  This will particularly affect people who want to return for a funeral or to visit someone who is dying.  

Tomorrow we have a planned power cut from 9.30 a.m. to 3 p.m. so will be going into town and having lunch there.  It will be interesting to see what the town is like.


  1. I went to town this morning and didn't notice anything different to last week except that I could walk directly into the supermarket. I still looked for the hand sanitizer though!

  2. I went to Mitre 10 and was maybe the first person to scan the Q code with my phone.How exciting to see how it works, up came Mitre 10 on the screen, showed the salesman, even he was amazed. Hand sanitiser there, at the Pharmacy and local clothes and manchester store. It seems so strange after weeks of distancing. Keep warm , a cold weekend coming our way.

    1. I have the Q code app but have not come across any to scan yet. I do keep a record in Samsung notes. Our forecast is actually colder tomorrow and Thursday but may be wrong. You and Hugh keep warm colder down there.

  3. NZ has done it right. The US has not. We are allowed to go out and shop and eat at restaurants, but I won’t.

    1. I am surprised that you can go and shop and eat in restaurants. I was going to email you and ask how you were getting on as you have been in my thoughts but you don't have an address listed. Take care.

  4. The only difference I've seen is that we are now in level 1 which matches peoples behaviour while we were in level 2.

    1. From the news about Auckland that would be true. We still stay home most of the time so not sure about here. We are about to ho out for lunch. Will be interesting to see what it is like "our there".

  5. The US varies a lot by state. I live in NJ. No retail other than food stores, auto repairs, plumbing, open yet. Masks required. Some curbside pickup. Our figures are doing better as a result. Despite the bungling of the feds.

    Some States have opened up prematurely and are now seeing spikes.

  6. And i forgot to say bravo for your leadership! Great outcome.

    1. Yes, Jacinda and Ashley have done a great job. We find it hard to comprehend what happens over there. Glad to hear that things are a bit better for you in NJ. We have only just realised that you have such a large number of Police Departments following a recent News announcement.
