Friday, June 5, 2020


14 days now with no new cases of Covid 19 and only one case remaining.  We had our usual morning walk and noticed these growing along the roots of a long dead tree.  Goodness knows what they are although I expect Mr. Cro will tell me they are edible (not by me).

The white eyes have been busy drinking from the sugar water that Doug puts out for them - they are on their third bottle today.  I love seeing them coming and going all the time.  They move so fast but I managed to get a photo of this one.

There was a water leak across the road caused by tree roots wrapped around a pipe and Doug's son-in-law called in for a cuppa as he was there supervising the workers.  It was good to catch up with him.  Apart from that I managed some work in the garden.


  1. I have no idea what your mushrooms are! Cook them and see how they taste! That's a very cute little bird.

  2. Phew!! Do not cook them and see how they taste. might be too late to think what they are by then. Cold here all day.

    1. A bit cool here as well. No, I won't be tasting them.

  3. I do like the bird feeders. They seem to be popular among bloggers . I see loads of blog photos. They aren't a 'thing' here but I'm tempted to see if anyone sells the feeders here

  4. I'd have to be very hungry indeed before I'd eat those! The birds are obviously more discriminating about what's on their menu.

    1. You would most likely end up dead by the look of them. Ghe birds like their sugar syrup and citrus.

  5. Phew!! Do not cook them and see how they taste. might be too late to think what they are by then. Cold here all day.

  6. They don't look very appetising, bu the little white eyes look rather sweet.

    1. The white eyes are lovely. When I got my camera out there must have been ten around the feeder but they are so fast they are a blur on a photo.

  7. I have a friend who is very knowledgable about mushroom and if he tells me they are safe to eat I do so with great enjoyment. Other than that I stay away from them. Hope he never gets mad at me!

  8. I would like a friend like that. I stick to the good old "common " mushroom. We have found them in the local parks. I laughed at your last sentence. I hope so too.
