Thursday, September 3, 2020

Monarch Butterflies and other things

 We awoke to a fine sunny day and I had planned to get out in the garden but once I went outside I changed my mind as there is a cold wind once again.  Still, I got another two loads of washing done and dry but the seedlings I was going to plant out will have to wait another day or so.

We belong to the Monarch Butterfly Society and recently ordered some cuttings 

Butterflies enjoying the white Mexican tree daisy (Montanoa grandiflora) and yellow Mexican tree daisy or sunflower (Tithonia diversifolia) both of which flower early in winter, a time of year when there’s not much else flowering in the garden, attracting butterflies, bees and bumblebees. Both of these grow 2-3 metres.

Yellow Mexican marigold bush – Tagetes lemmonii (see below) with its aromatic foliage and brightly coloured flowers. Can flower all year round in the right location! Grows 1-2 metres.

We could not find these plants anywhere else so today received a parcel with the cuttings - these are just plain cuttings - not rooted so I hope we are successful.  I put them in water and, because it was so cold, I was going to leave them but Doug has got them into pots of sand.

I just checked and the high for today is supposed to be 15 degrees but it does not feel anywhere like it.  Still, it must be A LOT colder further south.


  1. Such beautiful butterflies and a worthy cause.

    1. They are wonderful aren't they. We are lucky to have so many of them.

  2. I am always envious of those who can see Monarch butterflies, a species we don't have here. The flowers look very cheery even without the addition of our insect friends. Hope all goes well with the cuttings.

  3. It seems to me you have more loads of washing that anyone ever! We do all our laundry on Saturday morning and we wear clean clothes every day and change the towels and bedding regularly. I think we are missing something!

    1. I was wondering that myself but two loads on Tuesday were Sophie's bedding and towels and yesterday there was a duvet.

  4. Today has been another lovely sunny day here, but still with that cold wind hanging around.
    Good luck with your cuttings :)
