Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Sophie has had trouble with her ears for a long time.  Doug spends a lot of time cleaning them with EpiOtic and also uses something called PMP but they were really bad again so we took her to the Vets.

She likes going to the Vets as they give her a "Treat".  We are not so keen as the bill is always large.

The vet took a swab and we should have the result by Monday but, in the meantime, he prescribed the antibiotic that he thinks will be the one needed.  Let's hope it is the right one.  She is so good but her ears do irritate her.

Apart from that it has been a day of working in the garden, making vegetable soup and doing washing.


  1. Poor old Sophie. Lets hope the antibiotics do the business.

  2. Vet bills are often so high, which stops people taking their pets to get attention, so am glad you are able to help Sophie this way. I hope her ears are soon much better.

    1. As she gets older she has been a very expensive dog but our pets are part of our family and deserve good care.

  3. You are fortunate to have the funds to cope with the high cost of animal care.

    1. Yes, although we have been making economies in other areas as incomes are dropping due to Covid 19

  4. Sophie is a beauty. It is so hard to see them suffer and I hope the antibiotic works. Vet bills are so high, especially as our pets get older. We were in shock last week when we took our perfectly healthy cat in for a checkup and walked out much poorer.

    1. I was going to ask whether you had cats of your own as well as the ferals you posted about. With both Sophie and Kim being old it does get very expensive.

  5. She looks happy, but Dogs don't like to complain.

  6. I have a soft spot for labradors, they are gentle giants. We have always had three dogs and two or three cats but after retirement we have not replaced the cats and have decided one dog is sufficient. We have an excellent vet but even the best are expensive.

    1. We drive to the next suburb to excellent vets. Doug has always had dogs and said there would not be any more and then came Sophie
