Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 I have not seen the whole debate  but feel it is more important than the debate tonight between Jacinda Ardern and Judith Collins prior to our election.  I would be very interested to hear the view of people in America and other parts of the world.

These are scary times.


  1. I didn't see it either, but no doubt will later when I watch the news. I have heard that Biden kept his end up even though Trump kept attacking and bullying him.

    1. Yes from the bit I saw that seemed to be the case.

  2. I didn't catch the debate but from what I heard on the News this morning the debate was as well-reasoned and informative as any argument between the two little boys who live next door to me. I'm sure two women from New Zealand would be much more capable of intelligent debate.

  3. I watched almost all of the first hour and went to bed dismayed and disgusted. Out of 330 millions of people this is all that America can offer? They are in trouble.

    1. I don't understand the American political system and may be wrong but it seems as though money is the main requirement to become President.

    2. Yes, our politics are fueled by deep-pocketed donors. He or she who has the most money usually goes the farthest.

  4. There aren’t words to describe it. Maybe “insane” would work. It took me awhile to fall asleep last night and I woke up this morning remembering my disturbing dream. It had to do with being on a boat and we were lost at sea. Trump was there yelling and throwing people into the water. There was no one around to save us. My dream was as frightening as what happened at the so called debate. Trump ended the evening by telling his armed white supremacist following to “stand back and stand by”. The Proud Boys, a far right group who incite riots and are very scary people are using his words now as a banner. I have never been more terrified for my country.

    1. All along Doug and I have worried that if Trump loses he could start a civil war. I had not heard of The Proud Boys. I just can't understand his followers. I just pray for a good outcome.

  5. I agree with Steve Reed at Shadows and Light..only the one talking should have his mike turned on!

    1. Trump said that he would not go along with that, Biden said it was fine by him. If Trump doesn’t agree, there may be no more debates. We would all be very relieved if that would happen. We can’t handle much more.

    2. I feel so sorry for everything you are going through over there. Virtual hugs from NZ

  6. I couldn't face more than about two minutes of the Trump/Biden fiasco. It was like watching children argue.

    1. I watched a bit more than that and then watched the end. That was enough.

  7. We watched the NZ debate last night and quite enjoyed it. Both women showed good and bad points and it was a very 'alive' debate. We have only seen excerpts of the American debate on the News so not sure what is going on there.

    1. Yes we watched the New Zealand one and thought it was better than John Campbell's one.

  8. I don't watch alot of American politics but I don't really understand their system, Im sure if I lived there I would but here we are more focussed on ours. I know one thing, I'll be glad when our elections are over with.

  9. Knowing that the Trump/Biden event would be less of a debate and more of a bullying tirade, I chose to skip it. My mother watched and said that she had to get up and leave the TV area periodically as it was upsetting to view. The moderator, from what I understand, did very little to contain the situation.

    1. The bits I saw the moderator was trying hard but bully
      Trump just kept on going.
