Friday, September 4, 2020

Printing and Gardening

 This morning, among other things, I planned to print out some new recipes that I have tried and given the tick of approval.  I find it easier to read a printed recipe than one on my cellphone or newspaper cutting.  I can get the font size so that it is easy to read.  I thought this would be a short job but soon realised that the print head needed cleaning.

It is a few years now since I changed my printer.  I knew how to do it on the old printer but all I could find by looking on line was that I should clean the print head but no instructions.  Eventually,  after doing a Microsoft search (I think) I finally found the answer and ended up with printed sheets just as I wanted them.

By now it was time go get lunch.  After lunch I managed to get out in the lovely sunshine and plant some seedlings, cuttings and do some weeding and pruning, not a lot but every little helps and it was so nice to be outside in the sunshine.

We had planned a quiet weekend but Doug's youngest daughter messaged yesterday that she was coming here on Sunday (Father's Day) so I invited her to lunch after we had been to the gym.  Today, Doug got a phone call from a friend who lives a good hour's drive away wanting a lift to the airport on Sunday morning.  He has to be at the airport at 9 a.m. so Doug will have to leave by 6.30 a.m. at least.  We may well end up not going to the gym once again.  Never mind as we seem to get plenty of exercise.  Still, it is far better to be busy than sitting home bored.


  1. Yes, being busy is certainly better than being bored. I'm glad you got to get outside for a while and enjoy the lovely weather. Have a great weekend :)

  2. Having lots to do in life is always good.

  3. If you can't find enough to keep yourselves busy it seems that there are always plenty of others who will gladly arrange it for you!

  4. This reminds me of the retired friend who used to comment that she'd get up with nothing in her day's agenda. Then her three daughters each with children, would start calling and by nine o'clock her whole day was commandeered.

  5. That last sentence is so true. That is so nice of Doug to give his friend a lift to the airport even though it was a long trip for him. What a good man and friend he is. I hope you both have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you. Doug has just had a call that his friend's nephew who lives nearby will take him to the airport as he has to go to town anyway. Hope you have a good weekend.

  6. Getting out and about is far more fun than going to the gym!

    1. We may end up going to the Gym (see above) or we may stay home.

  7. Hasn't the sunshine been wonderful? we've just had a few lovely warm days, my garden is loving it.

    1. It is so nice to get out in the garden this weather.

  8. Sometimes a lazy day sounds nice but that never happens here either.

    1. I think I must have slowed down more than I realise.
